May 13, 2015

Wednesday, 05/13/2015
Wimberly Building
Submitted By:
Lynlie Jones


May 13, 2015

Special Session



The Graduate Council of Lamar University met in Room 219, Wimberly Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. 

Dr. William Harn, Dean of Graduate Studies, presided.  Dr. Dorothy Sisk, Dr. Jimmy Moss, and Dr. Rissman attended.  Also present was Carmen Breaux, Coordinator of Graduate Studies, and Dr. Monica Harn from the Speech and Hearing Department.


Minutes of the April 15, 2015 meeting were reviewed by the Council.  Dr. Moss motioned to approve, Dr. Sisk seconded the motion, and the Council unanimously approved.


College of Fine Arts and Communication – New Degree Proposal

Dr. Monica Harn from the department of Speech and Hearing attended the Graduate Council meeting and explained the new degree proposal submitted to the Graduate Council for approval.  Dr. Sisk motioned to approve, Dr. Moss seconded the motion, and the Council unanimously approved.

Course Additions/ Department of Speech and Hearing

Course additions SPHS 6310, SPHS 6314, SPHS 6323, SPHS 6316 were submitted by the Department of Speech and Hearing.   Dr. Sisk motioned to approve, Dr. Moss seconded the motion, and the Council unanimously approved.

Course Additions/Department of Civil Engineering

Course additions CVEN 5364 and CVEN 5375 were submitted by the Department of Civil Engineering to the Graduate Council.  Dr. Sisk motioned to approve, Dr. Rissman seconded the motion, and the Council unanimously approved.

Course Addition/Department of Music

Course addition MUED 5372 was submitted by the Department of Music to the Graduate Council. The Graduate Council recommended approval pending changes to the document.  Dr. Sisk motioned to approve, Dr. Rissman seconded the motion, and the Council unanimously approved.

Course Addition/Department of Biology

Course addition BIOL 5443 was submitted by the Department of Biology to the Graduate Council.  Dr. Rissman motioned to approve, Dr. Moss seconded the motion, and the Council unanimously approved.

Course Addition/Department of Pedagogy

Course addition PEDG 5374 was submitted by the Department of Pedagogy to the Graduate Council.  Dr. Moss motioned to approve, Dr. Sisk seconded the motion, and the Council unanimously approved.


CONCLUSION:  The next meeting is scheduled on Thursday, September 10, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. in the Wimberly Bldg., Room 219.