October 21, 2015

Wednesday, 10/21/2015
Wimberly Building
Submitted By:
Lynlie Jones


October 21, 2015


The Graduate Council of Lamar University met in Room 219, Wimberly Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. 

Dr. William Harn, Dean of Graduate Studies, presided.  Dr. Dorothy Sisk, Dr. Jimmy Moss, Dr. Maurice (Nick) Rissman, Dr. Ashwini Kucknoor, Dr. Jeffrey Forret, and Dr. Xuejun Fan attended.  Also present was Carmen Breaux, Coordinator of Graduate Studies.


Minutes of the September 10, 2015 (#418) meeting were reviewed by the Graduate Council.  Dr. Forret motioned to approve, Dr. Kucknoor seconded the motion, and the Council unanimously approved.


Course Additions/College of Arts & Sciences Computer Science

Course additions CPSC 5327, and CPSC 5375 were submitted by the Department of Computer Science to the Graduate Council.  Dr. Fan motioned to approve, Dr. Rissman seconded the motion, and the Council unanimously approved.

Course Addition/College of Arts & Sciences Physics

Course addition PHYS 5381 was submitted by the Department of Physics to the Graduate Council.  Dr. Fan motioned to approve, Dr. Moss seconded the motion, and the Council unanimously approved.

Course Additions/College of Engineering Doctoral

Course additions ENGR 6603, and ENGR 6604 were submitted by the Department of Engineering Doctoral to the Graduate Council.  Dr. Sisk motioned to approve, Dr. Fan seconded the motion, and the Council unanimously approved.

Course Addition/College of Engineering Civil

Course addition CVEN 5307 was submitted by the Department of Civil Engineering to the Graduate Council.  Dr. Fan motioned to approve, Dr. Moss seconded the motion, and the Council unanimously approved.

Course Addition/College of Engineering Electrical

Course addition ELEN 5302 was submitted by the Department of Electrical Engineering to the Graduate Council.  Dr. Rissman motioned to approve, Dr. Fan seconded the motion, and the Council unanimously approved.

Course Changes/College of Education Doctoral

Course changes EDUD 6302, and EDUD 6307 were submitted by the Department of Educational Leadership Doctoral to the Graduate Council.  Dr. Sisk motioned to approve, Dr. Forret seconded the motion, and the Council unanimously approved.

Course Change/College of Business

Course change MGMT 5380 was submitted by the Department of Management to the Graduate Council.  Dr. Forret motioned to approve, Dr. Sisk seconded the motion, and the Council unanimously approved.

College of Business Memos

The College of Business submitted a memo to revise the degree plan of the new Dual MSNA/MBA program.  The Graduate Council reviewed the new degree plan.  Dr. Sisk motioned to approve, Dr. Forret seconded the motion, and the Council unanimously approved.

The College of Business submitted a memo to increase options required for the Leadership Certificate. The Graduate Council reviewed the courses, MGMT 5316, MGMT 5360, and BULW 5330.  Dr. Fan motioned to approve, Dr. Sisk seconded the motion, and the Council unanimously approved.

Levels of Graduate Faculty Membership change

Add the word “clinical” to the Associate Membership under the Levels of Graduate Faculty Membership.  Dr. Sisk motioned to approve, Dr. Moss seconded the motion, and the Council unanimously approved.



The next meeting is scheduled on Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at 1:30 p.m. in the Wimberly Bldg., Room 219.