April 20, 2015

Monday, 04/20/2015
Room 717, Mary and John Gray Library
Submitted By:
Christy Swanson

Attending: Christy Swanson, Academic Affairs; Tony Martin, SACS; Sara Hillen, English and Modern Languages; Joe Kemble, College Readiness; Judith Mann, Arts and Sciences; Nicki Michalski, Communication; Judy Smith, Arts and Sciences/Nursing; Boyd Lanier, Political Science; Daniel Bartlett, UAC; Tim McCoy, Business; Zanthia Smith,  Deaf Studies and Deaf Education; Carmen Doering, MJG Library; David Short, Registrar; Xinyu Liu, Industrial Engineering


Call to order: 3:35 p.m.

Approval of Minutes: Joe Kemble made a motion to approve the minutes; it was seconded by Judy Smith. The motion carried.

Old Business:

  1. CHEN 3311: Joe Kemble made a motion to approve the course; Zanthia Smith seconded the motion. It was approved.
  2. CVEN 4311: Judy Smith made a motion to approve the course; Zanthia Smith seconded the motion. It was approved.
  3. PSYC 3302:
    1. There is need for changes.
      • The DRC statement needs to be updated.
      • The academic continuity statement needs to be completed.
      • The calendar needs a day-by-day breakdown
    2. Zanthia Smith made a motion to approve the course with corrections; Boyd Lanier seconded the motion. It carried.
  4. PSYC 4310:
    1. The effective date on the form needs to be changed to 2015.
    2. Boyd Lanier made a motion to approve the course with corrections; Zanthia Smith seconded the motion. It carried.
  5. PSYCH 4330:
    1. The academic continuity statement needs to be added.
    2. Psych 2301 needs to be added to the pre-requisites on the syllabus.
    3. Zanthia Smith made a motion to approve the course with corrections; Boyd Lanier seconded the motion. It carried.
  6. PSYC 4360:
    1. The schedule needs to be more specific (laid out day-by-day).
    2. Judy Smith made a motion to approve the course with corrections; Zanthia Smith seconded the motion. It carried.
  7. CIS degree plan: Zanthia Smith made a motion to accept the degree plan with the footnote changes. Joe Kemble seconded the motion, and it carried.
  8. History degree plans:
    1. There is a typo on the B.A. History, Social Science option 2. One hundred and twenty-three hours changes to 126.
    2. ASL 4307 needs to be changed to DSDE 2372 or remove the line.
    3. The pre-reqs for POLS 4312 and ECON 3340 are not on the degree plan.
    4. The pedagogy section uses the old numbers
    5. The option 1 degree plan also uses the old pedagogy numbers.
    6. Zanthia Smith made a motion to table these degree plans until Dr. Smith clarifies if the 126 hour plan is acceptable. Joe Kemble seconded the motion, and it carried.
  9. Math degree plan:
    1. Zanthia Smith made a motion to approve the plan and was seconded by Joe Kemble.
    2. A friendly amendment to move the core math class to the core section of the plan was made and accepted.
    3. The motion carried.
  10. Statistics minor: Joe Kemble made a motion to accept the minor. Zanthia Smith seconded it, and the motion carried.

New Business:

  1. ACCT 2301:
    1. The DRC information needs to be updated.
    2. The council is unsure if using links to the emergency policy information is acceptable.
    3. Zanthia Smith made a motion to approve the course with corrections and clarification if using links is acceptable. Tim McCoy seconded the motion, and it carried.
  2. ACCT 3310:
    1. Add “completed” before attempts on the pre-req statement.
    2. This syllabus also uses links for the emergency policy.
    3. Judy Smith made a motion to approve the course with corrections and clarification if using links is acceptable. Tim McCoy seconded the motion, and it carried.
  3. ACCT 3370:
    1. The last sentence of the DRC statement needs to be fixed.
    2. There need to be publication dates on the required text listing.
    3. The attendance policy needs to be included.
    4. Zanthia Smith made a motion to accept the course with corrections. Boyd Lanier seconded the motion, and it carried.
  4. ENGL 4310:
    1. The DRC policy needs to be updated.
    2. Zanthia Smith made a motion to accept the course with corrections. Boyd Lanier seconded the motion, and it carried.
  1. INEN 4375:
    1. The DRC statement needs to be updated.
    2. The attendance policy is vague.
    3. There needs to be an ABC scale in the grading section.
    4. The student learning outcomes need to be included.
    5. The instructor will be asked to follow the provided template for the syllabus.
    6. Zanthia Smith made a motion to return the course for corrections. Judy Smith seconded the motion and it was approved.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m.