October 26, 2015

Monday, 10/26/2015
Room 717, Mary and John Gray Library
Submitted By:
Christy Swanson

Attending: Judy Smith, nursing; Lula Henry, education; Boyd Lanier, political science; Robert Ehrlich, SGA; Sara Hillin, English and modern languages; George Kenyon, management and marketing; Daniel Bartlett, UAC; David Short, registrar; Melissa Riley, college readiness math; Paul Hemenway, communication; Ricardo Tovar-Silos, info systems and analysis; Carmen Doering, library; Judith Mann, psychology; Nicki Michalski, communication; Xinyu Liu, industrial engineering; Zanthia Smith, DSDE


Call to order: 3:34 p.m.

Approval of minutes: Lula Henry made a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Judy Smith seconded the motion, and it carried.

Old Business:

  • George Kenyon asked that the business supply chain name issue be removed from the table. The department is going to review the degree plan and it will need new approvals.
  • Swerdlow sent a request that we check on the undergraduate construction management program and determine if it has arrived at the UCC.

New Business:

  • Biology Environmental Science degree plan
    • The plan needs footnotes to explain the choices in the core section.
    • Judy Smith made a motion that we approve the plan with the addition of the footnotes. Boyd Lanier seconded the motion, and it carried.
  • CPSC 4317
    • The course number in the description on the form and throughout needs to be corrected.
    • The justification need to explain why/what has changed to require 4302 as a pre-requisite.
    • The description on the form and syllabus do not match.
    • The pre-requisite on the form and syllabus do not match.
    • The course outline needs to be revised to indicate what will be taught when.
    • An attendance policy needs to be added.
    • It needs to be clarified if the course is online, hybrid or face-to-face.
    • Boyd Lanier made a motion to return the class to the department for revisions. Lula Henry offered a friendly amendment that the department makes sure the class meets the distance education requirements and that the drop dates be added to the syllabus to meet Arts and Sciences requirements then seconded the motion. The motion carried.
  • CPSC 4375
    • The correct dates need to be listed throughout.
    • Remove the statement about financial aid from the justification. Something along the lines of “we have taught this enough that it merits its own number” would be appropriate.
    • The pre-requisite must match on the syllabus and form.
    • The course outline needs to be changed to week 1, week 2, etc.
    • The grading scale requires a percentage and alpha-numeric scale.
    • Include the online etiquette, software and processor requirements.
    • Make the pre-requisite less ambiguous.
    • Judy Smith made a motion to return the class to the department for revision. Boyd Lanier seconded the motion, and it carried.
  • ELEN 2320
    • Eliminate the grade overlap on the alpha-numeric scale.
    • Define “regular basis” on the attendance policy. What is “several classes”? Provide a percentage.
    • Remove the footnote or change it to reflect what it actually references.
    • Include estimated date or content for each exam.
    • Inform students when information/assignments will be posted and/or due.
    • Is the 4% attendance 4% of 40% or is it 4% of 100%?
    • Paul Hemenway made a motion to return the class to the department fir revision. Zanthia Smith seconded the motion, and it carried.
  • FCSC 4336
    • Change the current description on the form.
    • The pre-requisites need to match on form and syllabus.
    • The grading scale needs to include “below 600”.
    • Judy Smith made a motion to approve with changes. Boyd Lanier seconded the motion, and it carried.
  • MATH 2331
    • The actual time of office hours needs to be on syllabus in addition to “by appointment”
    • An attendance policy needs to be stated.
    • Judi Mann will ask the department about the grade required (do you have to have a D) and if the 3 repeat is accurate.
    • George Kenyon made a motion to approve with changes. Zanthia Smith seconded the motion, and it carried.
  • MEEN 4301
    • The title needs to match on syllabus and form.
    • Fix the overlap on the grading scale.
    • The continuity statement is in the syllabus twice.
    • Verify the number of times the class can be repeated.
    • George Kenyon made a motion to approve the class with changes. Boyd Lanier seconded the motion, and it carried.


Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 5:29 p.m.