February 20, 2017

Monday, 02/20/2017
John Gray Library Room 717
Submitted By:
Tammye Knowles

Attending:  Kami Makki, Nicki Michalski, Boyd Lanier, Kendrick Aung, Xinyu Liu, Carmen Doering, Kevin Smith, Melissa Riley, Zanthia Smith, Tammye Knowles, David Short Via Proxy: Paul Hemenway, Cynthia Barnes, John McCollough, Lula Henry, Judy Smith

Call to Order: 3:31 p.m.

Approval of Minutes: Kami Makki made a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Ken Aung seconded the motion, and it was passed.


Boyd Lanier told the group that the conflicts between the templates used by Distance Education and the UCC have been straightened out.

CHEN 1101:

  • “orphaned” paperwork has been signed and the class was approved by the Board of Regents May 2016.

INEN 2360:

  • Drop numbers 13 and 15 in the syllabus to remove repetitions of the attendance policy.
  • Change the title on number 16 to Students with Disabilities.
  • Ken Aung made a motion to approve the course with changes. Melissa Riley seconded the motion, and it carried.

INEN 2373:

  • Nicki Michalski made a motion to approve the course. Xinyu Liu seconded the motion, and it passed.

INEN 4323:

  • Kami Makki made a motion to approve the course. Nicki Michalski seconded the motion, and it passed.

MEEN 4310:

  • Zanthia Smith made a motion to approve the course. Kami Makki seconded the motion, and it passed.

MEEN 4313:

  • Nicki Michalski made a motion to approve the course. Zanthia Smith seconded the motion, and it passed.

PEDG 4355:

  • David Short stated that Banner cannot process GPA as a pre-requisite for a course and the department will have to manually enforce it.
  • The statement about the syllabus being subject to change needs to be removed.
  • Zanthia Smith made a motion to approve the course with changes. Nicki Michalski seconded the motion, and it passed.

 PEDG 4370:

  • The statement about the syllabus being subject to change needs to be removed.
  • The pre-requisites need to match on the syllabus and form.
  • Nicki Michalski made a motion to approve the course with changes. Zanthia Smith seconded the motion, and it passed.

BIOL 1115:

  • Kami Makki made a motion to approve the course. Zanthia Smith seconded the motion, and it passed.

BIOL 1315:

  • In the attendance policy section, the course is called “Anatomy and Physiology” but it is plants and society.
  • Zanthia Smith made a motion to adopt the course with changes. Carmen Doering seconded the motion, and it passed.

CHEN 2374:

  • Remove the statement regarding a university policy about retaking classes. It does not exist.
  • Remove ENGR 1101 from the pre-requisite list on the form. The class does not exist.
  • Kami Makki made a motion to approve the course with changes. Nicki Michalski seconded the motion, and it passed.

CHEN 3340:

  • Remove the statement regarding a university policy about retaking classes. It does not exist.
  • Ask about the homework policy. It says there is no grade but is required. This is confusing.
  • Suggest clarifying the grading information. The way it is set up it is easy to think the scale is on 85%. Perhaps just including the statement under #4 would work better.
  • Zanthia Smith made a motion to approve the course with changes. Ken Aung seconded the motion, and it carried.

CVEN 3311:

  • Ask about office hours. Is it alright to only have them by appointment?
  • Zanthia Smith made a motion to approve the course with changes. Kami Makki seconded the motion, and it passed.

ELEN 3381:

  • Eliminate the random phrase from the syllabus for 3381 section 55’s course description.
  • Remove the excess commas in the grading scheme section. Changing it to a bulleted list would clarify things.
  • Zanthia Smith made a motion to approve the course with changes. Kami Makki seconded the motion, and it passed.

ELEN 1100:

  • Remove the excess commas in the grading scheme section. Changing it to a bulleted list would clarify things.
  • Zanthia Smith made a motion to approve the course with changes. Nicki Michalski seconded the motion, and it passed.

ELEN 1301:

  • Remove the excess commas in the grading scheme section. Changing it to a bulleted list would clarify things.
  • Zanthia Smith made a motion to approve the course with changes. Kami Makki seconded the motion, and it passed.


The Meeting was adjourned at 5:25 p.m.