January 26, 2015

Monday, 01/26/2015
Room 717 Mary and John Gray Library
Submitted By:
Christy Swanson

Attending: Tony Martin, office of planning and assessment; Daniel Bartlett, undergraduate advising center; Vicky Farrow, office of planning and assessment; David Short, registrar; Judi Mann, psychology, Arts and Sciences; Brian Craig, council of instructional departments; Iva Hall, nursing; Tom Sowers, political science; Lula Henry, Education; Nicki L. Michalski, communication; Joe Kemble, college readiness; Carmen Doering, library; Zanthia Smith, deaf studies and deaf education; Xinyu Liu, Engineering

Call to order:  3:40 p.m.

Approval of minutes from 11-17-2014: a correction was noted that OPA should be office of planning and assessment. Joe Kemble made a motion to approve the minutes with the correction. Lula Henry seconded the motion and it was approved.

Old Business:

  • B.A. degree plan for physics:
The council recommended that Judi Mann meet with the physics department to discuss necessary changes. Those will include:
  • Identification of which physics classes count in the major requirements
  • Clarify which modern languages count in the additional degree requirements
  • Identify which math classes count for the additional degree requirements
  • Clarify the hours in each section to make them easier to add up—some members were coming up with more than 120.
  • Clarify that the additional language/philosophy hours come from the major not the core.
Lula Henry made a motion to return the degree plan to the department for corrections. Iva Hall seconded the motion. It carried unanimously.

  • BSIT degree plan:
This plan was tabled until this meeting so that Brian Craig would be able to clarify concerns for the council. The following problems were identified:
  • Footnotes 6-8 were missing
  • Council wants clarification of INEN electives beyond “as approved by advisor”
  • INEN elective spaces should read INEN/Tech elective to indicate that these electives can be out of discipline
  • Identify the number of upper level electives
  • It is also noted this degree plan will be effective Fall 2015
Iva Hall made a motion to table the degree plan until further clarifications were made. Joe Kemble seconded the motion and it was approved.

New Business

  • Electrical Engineering addition ELEN 3370:
The following corrections are needed:
  • The Disability Resource Center policy needs to be updated.
  • Office hours need to be included on the syllabus
  • The form should read “co-op” not lecture under activity type
  • The grading scale needs to be clarified to explain what percentage counts as A, B, etc.
  • The number of contact hours needs to be specified on the syllabus.
  • The signature under college curriculum council review needs a date.
Lula Henry made a motion to approve the course with the corrections. Zanthia Smith seconded the motion and it carried.

  • Electrical Engineering ELEN 4332:
  • The pre-requisites need to be included on the form.
Iva Hall made a motion to approve the course with the correction. Lula Henry seconded the motion and it carried.

  • Industrial Engineering INEN 3323:
The following corrections are required:
  • Dates are missing from college signatures.
  • The Disability Resource Center statement needs to be updated.
  • The office hours need to be on syllabus.
Lula Henry made a motion to approve the course with corrections. Tom Sowers seconded the motion and it carried.

  • Computer Science COSC 2336:
Tom Sowers made a motion to approve the course. Lula Henry seconded the motion and it carried.

  • Math MATH 2311:
The following corrections are required:
  • Ask for clarification regarding quizzes and homework
Iva Hall made a motion to approve the course with the clarification. Joe Kemble seconded the motion and it carried.

  • Business BUSI 2300:
The following corrections are required:
  • The number of contact hours must be fixed on the form. It currently reads 3.
  • The Disability Resource Center statement needs to be updated.
  • Pg 6: include a time for “end of day” and change UW to LU in the solicitation policy.
  • Pg 7: remove the reference to Academic Partnership—the university is trying to move away from that.
  • Pg 8: add the continuity statement
  • Under communication guidelines is it supposed to be “respond respectfully”?
Tom Sowers made a motion to accept the course with the changes. Zanthia Smith seconded the motion and it passed.

  • Business Grade Minimum Policy: Joe Kemble made a motion to invite a representative from Business to come and discuss the proposed policy and table the vote until after that discussion. Zanthia Smith seconded the motion and it carried. Concerns about implementation were expressed since banner is not set up for the sort of policy they are proposing.

Adjournment: Tom Sowers made a motion to adjourn at 5:05 p.m.